Generate A GUID

In powershell:


SSH Shortcut Example

                // blog server demo
                "guid": "{0e28f23a-42c9-4e17-a2f8-c803b7bec0b8}",
                "name": "Blog Webserver",
                "icon" : "ms-appx:///ProfileIcons/{9acb9455-ca41-5af7-950f-6bca1bc9722f}.png",
                "commandline": "ssh root@IP/Hostname -i ~/.ssh/priv-key"


Icon Examples

OneDrive path

"icon" : "%USERPROFILE%/OneDrive/win-term/icons/splunk-icon.png"

Or a full path to a image

"icon" : "C:/users/test/win-term/icons/splunk-icon.png"

Or copy the ms-appx path

"icon" : "ms-appx:///ProfileIcons/{9acb9455-ca41-5af7-950f-6bca1bc9722f}.png"

I like using the OneDrive path, since if I move PC's, my settings and config will sync and migrate with me.